google analyst

Senin, 26 November 2012

Tutorial Blogger Like Button & Comments Box

wuis dari judulnya udah kliatan keren gmna gtu :D
Contohe di blog ku udah bisa connect di FB .
kok bisa ya, yuk mari belajar bersama :)

First, set up a new application:  

2.  Klik + Set Up New Application button
3.  isi Type your Application Name (example: Mysite-Name Likes) > select Agree > click on Create Application
4.  Go to the Web Site tab (yang ada di tabel diisi)
5.  Enter your blog url with an ending slash in Site URL (for example: dong toh maksute
6.  isi Site Domaine ( , soale koe nganggo blogspot
7.  You will see your Application ID number (below your app API & Secret) 
8.  wes dadi kui, ditunggu sedilit ojo ke susu :))

Placing the SDK script + Open Graph protocol tags + xmlns attribute

woh opo meneh kui :))
maksute : 
Edit your layout, Go to: Design > Edit HTML, and mark the "Expand Widget Templates" checkbox. 
Maksute di centang bagian "Expand Widget Templates"

XMLNS facebook attribute in the tag:
Search for:  (You should find it at the top around line#2/3),
And add the next attribute (as I marked it in bold) right before the end (2005/gml/expr'>) like this:
Dyarrrr opo meneh kui, artine golek wae biasane di line 2 opo 3 , bar kui akhir (2005/gml/expr'>) di inputke : 
sakjane iki pas tak jajal ra patio kanggo sih, nek misal marai elek blog mu, khusus bagian ini hapusen.
wes toh..? ambegan sik, bernapas sik soale tambah angel :p
oh iyo cara serach ben cepet pencet ctrl + F.

Open Graph protocol mata-data tags:
Search for: 
 (You should find it right above the tag)
Add the next code before it like this:

do not copy me.
nah opo meneh kui , jadi sebelum > itu disisipi syntax diatas.

keterangane yang di bold kui diganti yo.
Change with the one you want to appear when a user likes a page.
Change http://google.../blogger_logo.gif with your blog logo, or remove the all tag if you don't want it.
Change YOUR-APP-ID with your application ID number.
Change YOUR-FACEBOOK-PROFILE-ID with your own facebook user profile ID.(contohe id fb ku hahaha... : applle)


Javascript SDK right after the opening tag:
Search for:  (You should find it right below the
Add the next SDK script right after the tag:

  do not copy me.

Ganti YOUR APP ID with your application ID number. 

nah mau jadi nih :)
lanjut yuk..

Placing the Facebook plugins XFBML tags

Like button:
Search for  this is the body text of each post in your blog,
so you can place the Like button before it and you got it between the title and the body of your post.

do not copy me.

jadi sebelum kasih syntax diatas. ini buat yang like nya diatas.

kalo di mau like nya dibwah setelah postinganmu, pake ini :
do not copy me.

Trus klik save template (and click on Save Template) -___-
udah jadi blummmmm... yuk skrng buat comment box kayak di blog ku :)

Comments box:

Search for  this is the body text of each post in your blog,
so you place the Comments box after it.

do not copy me.

and click on Save Template ...

saran ku sih : pakai comment box aja soalnya juga ada like nya.
hohohoh finished :D
nek gag donk bahasa ku golekken wae neng google translate :D

contohe :

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